Clients Speak

Words from some happy clients

I want to give unsolicited testimony to a 5+ year relationship I’ve had with true psychic spiritualist Donna Edwards. Donna does not utilize cards, pendulums or other hocus pocus. Donna provides an accurate reading over the phone, via email or in person through a natural ability to provide answers and insights into all aspects of your life. It’s as simple as asking and you will receive an immediate and accurate answer from Donna. In the time Donna has provided information… to me, Donna has ALWAYS been ACCURATE . . . Uncanny, proven, amazing, sincere with spiritual knowing and explanation. Spread the word and sign up for a reading. This woman is like having a manual to the riddle of life! She has provided me with an inner peace I’ve never previously known and taps information no one has ever had access to.

I have been very curious throughout my time and have visited psychics throughout the years. I was on a hunt to find a psychic/ clairvoyant that I actually believed in and trusted. When I met Donna I had no trust and was determined that I would walk in, sit down, say nothing and let her tell me. By the time I got to my appointment she had already written down half a page of messages she received regarding my life. Every bit of it hit home. She is positive, straight forward. She does not candy coat and I appreciate that very much. She has a heart of gold and genuinely cares about you and your situation. from customer to personal friend.

Gayle J.Haven

I have been very curious throughout my time and have visited psychics throughout the years. I was on a hunt to find a psychic/ clairvoyant that I actually believed in and trusted. When I met Donna I had no trust and was determined that I would walk in, sit down, say nothing and let her tell me. By the time I got to my appointment she had already written down half a page of messages she received regarding my life. Every bit of it hit home. She is positive, straight forward. She does not candy coat and I appreciate that very much. She has a heart of gold and genuinely cares about you and your situation. from customer to personal friend.

Wow!! I was blown away. In just a few short minutes she blew me away!!! Thanks so much for such honest quick answers. I am still in awe!

Testimonial 1
Michele C.

Donna relays spirit’s truth in a straight forward way using the perfect delivery. Donna is accurate and provides information that will help. This woman is phenomenal, reliable and my rock. Thank God for Donna.

Gayle H.

Donna Edwards is awesome, words can not express, she is real. everything she told me in the past came to pass. when she tell you something, she is always right. Thanks again.

Good reading. RI is not ready for something serious and I must not settle.

Very beautiful woman, straight forward and honest.

Amazing, mouth dropping, awesome, I could just keep going on and on. She is always on point. I just Love her. Thank you sooo much.

Extremely accurate. Picked up on the situation. Will definitely call again.


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Please fill out the contact form requesting to be put on our class list or a private teaching session. We will contact you back with available dates and times for scheduling.

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Please send an email request or call to schedule your reading. Generally your reading can be scheduled within the same week. $11.00 per minute

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$11.00 per minute. A fee of $45.00 will be charged. Please text “emergency reading request” to 773-320-0187. You will be contacted to start your reading immediately. If Spiritualist Donna is in a reading at the time you will be next in line for your reading.

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That requires Donna to travel to you will incur an additional cost which will be calculated based on mileage. Please call or fill out the form to schedule your appointment. Rates will be determined based on your needs and the amount of time you are requesting.

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